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2021-10-11 11:16:34

注册办理流程的相关内容,希望能为您提供些许帮助和指导。2、租房:去专门的写字楼租一间办公室。租房后要签订租房合同,并到房管局备案。3、编写“公司章程”:章程需要由所有股东签名。6、:到工商局领取公司设立登记的各种表格,包括设立登记申请表、股东(发起人)名单、董事经理监理情况、法人代表登记表、指定代表或委托代理人登记表。填好后,连同核名通知、公司章程、房租合同、房产证复印件、一起交给工商局。大概15个工作日后可领取执照。8、办理企业组织机构代码证:凭到技术监督局办理组织机构代码证,需要3个工作日。11、申请领购发票:如果你的公司是销售商品的,应该到国税去申请发票,如果是服务性质的公司,则到地税申领发票。深圳服务有限公司专注大中小型企业财税服务,提供流程和费用RegisterConduction flowRegister the flow of new energy company commonly2, rent a house: Go to special office building renting an office. The contract that rent a house should be signed after renting a house, put on record to room canal bureau.4, quarter personal seal: (All partner) the place that goes cutting an order on the street engraves a personal seal, tell personal seal of quarter legal person to them (quadrate) .5, to accountant ask of bank of the office “ that get asks for case ” : Contact an accountant office, get ask of bank of a piece of “ to sign letter ”(must be original, accountant office builds Xian Zhang) .9, conduction duty Wu registers: After the charter that get, to local revenue application gets duty Wu to register card inside 30 days. Average company needs to deal with Wu of 2 kinds of duty to register card, namely country duty and land tax. When conduction duty Wu registers card, must have an accountant commonly, the data that because revenue asks,submits has among them is accountant qualification card and Id. Of course, can ask Wu of Zhang of accountant of representative of company of charge to an account of a representative.10, go to a bank leaving basic door: By original of original of tax of card of code of business charter, origanization construction, state, land tax, go to a bank opening basic account.Shenzhen heart always believes wealth tax to serve limited company tax of wealth of dedicated big small and medium sized business serves, offer Shenzhen to register company flow and charge



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